UM holds the “Long Service Award and Outstanding Administrative Staff Award Ceremony”
No. of participants: around 400 參與人數: 約400人

The University of Macau (UM) held the “Long Service Award and Outstanding Administrative Staff Award Ceremony” on 9 May 2024 at the University Hall (N2) to show gratitude and to commend staff members for their long-term contribution and outstanding performance.

This year, the University presented the “Long Service Award” to 266 staff who have served the University for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years. The University also presented the “Outstanding Administrative Staff Award” to 19 staff, as well as the “Most Creative Slogan Award” for the slogan “Be kind. Be real”. Around 400 participants including Rector, Vice Rectors, Heads of Units, awardees, colleagues, as well as family and friends of awardees attended the ceremony.

Rector Yonghua SONG delivered his warmest congratulations and gratitude to all the awardees. He hopes that administrative colleagues will continue to act as a high performing team and enhance the quality of service, and that faculty members will continue to cultivate talents and scale new heights in teaching and research, altogether facilitating UM to strive towards its goal of becoming an internationally recognized university of excellence.




Opening Speech by the Rector, Prof. Yonghua SONG

Awardees of the Outstanding Administrative Staff Award

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 10 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 10 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 10 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 15 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 20 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 25 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 30 years of service

Awardees of the Long Service Award for 35 years of service

Awardee of the Long Service Award for 40 years of service

Group Photo