UM participated in the “Summer Internship Program 2023”
The “Summer Internship Program 2023”, organized by the Education and Youth Development Bureau and participated by various public and private entities in Macau, concluded successfully on 16 August 2023. The program aims to provide short-term training and internship for young students, which encourage them to actively engage into the society, to learn through practical experience, and to develop skills during the internship process.
UM joined the program this year and welcomed 4 students who interned at Communications Office, Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College, Strategy and Planning Office, and University Library for a period of six weeks from 6 July to 16 August 2023. Under the guidance of unit’s supervisor, the interns had earned working experience and team spirit, which would be beneficial for their future personal and career development.
澳門大學本年參與該計劃並迎來了4位學生,分別於傳訊部、霍英東珍禧書院、策略及規劃辦公室,以及圖書館進行為期6星期(由2023年7月6日 至8月16日)的實習。實習生在部門督導員帶領下,接觸到實際的工作環境和體驗到團隊的合作精神,能夠對其未來個人及工作規劃起到一定的幫助。
