UM holds the In-house Training Course on National Security for Staff Members
No. of participants: around 50 參與人數:約50人
In order to provide UM staff members with a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the National Security Law, the Human Resources Section of the Office of Administration organised an in-house training course on national security at the Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Law on 22 March 2021. Dr KONG Wa, senior instructor of the Faculty of Law, was invited to explain the necessity of implementing the National Security Law in the Macao SAR. About 50 directors, heads and principal administrative officers participated in the training.
Dr KONG Wa shared the fundamentals of preserving national security and the composition of the national security system. He stressed the concept of “no country, no home”, and also emphasized that national sovereignty and territorial integrity were crucial for the political stability and economic development of the Macao SAR, and for the well-being of Macao residents.
The University hopes that through this training staff will strengthen their patriotism and make contributions to preserving national security, social stability and harmony.

No. of participants: around 50 參與人數:約50人