UM holds In-house Staff Training on “Introduction to Constitutional Law and Basic Law” and “Chinese Language and Classics”
No. of participants: over 180 參與人數: 逾180人
In order to enhance UM staff members’ understanding of the nation, the Human Resources Section of the Office of Administration organized two in-house training courses, namely “Introduction to Constitutional Law and Basic Law” and “Chinese Language and Classics”, on 10 November and 12 November 2021 respectively.
Prof. LOK Wai Kin, Director of Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies in the Faculty of Law (FLL), introduced the objectives of enactment and enforcement of the Constitutional Law, the core principles underlying the Constitutional Law and the Basic Law, as well as the relationship between the Basic Law and “One Country, Two Systems” during the course “Introduction to Constitutional Law and Basic Law”. Around 100 staff members participated.
Prof. ZHU Shoutong, Head of Department of Chinese Language and Literature in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH), shared the merits, characteristics, profoundness and complexity of Chinese language, the relationship between Chinese language and Chinese culture, as well as the authenticity of Chinese classics during the course “Chinese Language and Classics”. Over 80 staff members participated.
The University hopes that these training courses can enhance staff members’ national knowledge, arouse their interest in Chinese language and culture, promoting patriotism and strengthening their national pride.
“Introduction to Constitutional Law and Basic Law”

“Chinese Language and Classics”

No. of participants: over 180 參與人數: 逾180人