UM holds In-house Staff Training on “Flags and Emblems of the People’s Republic of China and the Macao SAR”
No. of participants: around 90 參與人數: 約90人
In order to enhance UM staff members’ understanding of the nation, the Human Resources Section of the Office of Administration organized an in-house training course on “Flags and Emblems of the People’s Republic of China and the Macao SAR” on 23 November 2021.
Dr. KONG Wa, Senior Instructor of the Faculty of Law (FLL), shared two precious documentary videos, and introduced the history, design, features and meanings of the flags and emblems of the People’s Republic of China and the Macao SAR, as well as their legal protection. Around 90 staff members attended the training.
The University hopes that this training can enhance staff members’ national knowledge, arouse their interest in the national and regional flags and emblems, promoting patriotism and strengthening their national pride.

No. of participants: around 90 參與人數: 約90人