Professional Development and Enhancement Program 2017: Visits to Top Universities in Singapore
No. of participants: 16 參與人數:16人
Led by Prof. Lionel Ming-shuan Ni, Vice Rector (Academic Affairs), a group of five academic staff and 10 (out of 18) awardees of last year’s “Outstanding Administrative Staff Award” have joined the Professional Development and Enhancement Program 2017 to visit Singapore from 19 to 24 June 2017. This program has been renamed in 2017 (formerly the Talent Nurture Program) to include both academic and administrative groups. The delegation visited two top-notch Singaporean universities and two Singapore-based companies, and have widely established connection with these institutions for UM.
The two host universities are Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). The delegation started the trip with a visit to NTU, which is consistently ranked amongst the world’s best universities and is regarded as one of the leading universities in Asia. Welcomed by Prof. Er Meng Hwa, Vice President (International Affairs), the delegates learnt about the development, administration, research and academic structures as well as the future planning aspects of NTU. In addition, two significant landmark buildings in NTU – the HIVE and the WAVE – were introduced. The next stop was SUTD, which is established to advance knowledge and nurture technically grounded leaders and innovators to serve societal needs. Accompanied by Prof. Yeo Kiat Seng, Associate Provost (Office of Graduate Studies and International Relations), the delegates shared with SUTD on curriculum and pedagogy, technology transfer, human resources, campus development and student life, followed by a tour of SUTD library, cohort & flipped classrooms and high-tech laboratories.
In the trip, another highlight was visits to NEWater Plant and AIRmaker. NEWater Plant demonstrated Singapore’s water sustainability strategy, NEWater technology and how it contributes to Singapore international recognition as a model city for water management and an emerging Global Hydrohub – a leading centre for business opportunities and expertise in water technologies. The final stop AIRmaker presented to our delegation its founding principles, program mechanism and how it fits and contributes to the startup scene and innovation drive in Singapore. AIRmaker is an Internet of Things (IoT) – focused cross-border accelerator program that connects Digital Health and Smart Cities startups with two of Asia’s most vibrant and innovative ecosystems, Singapore and Shenzhen. Both companies have greatly impressed the delegation.
Through these visits and bench-marking exercise, our delegation has broadened their horizons and enhanced their job-related skills. The program brought the delegates an eye-opening experience and inspirations that they believe would benefit in their work in UM.
新加坡南洋理工大學及新加坡科技與設計大學為是次學習交流計劃的東道主。第一站為新加坡南洋理工大學,她被列入全球最佳大學及亞洲領先大學之一。南洋理工大學國際事務副總裁Er Meng Hwa教授及其團隊為代表團講解了南洋理工大學的發展、行政、研究、學術事務以及未來規劃。此外,代表團還參觀了南洋理工大學其中兩個地標建築物 – 校園互動空間 (The HIVE) 和體育及康樂中心 (The WAVE)。第二站為新加坡科技與設計大學,研究生院與國際關係辦公室副教務長Yeo Kiat Seng教授及其團隊為代表團分享了其大學的課程與教學、技術轉移、人力資源、校園發展及學園生活。隨後更參觀了圖書館,特別設計的課室及高科技實驗室。
是次學習交流中,代表團亦參觀了兩間新加坡公司-新生水廠 (NEWater Plant) 及創業輔導公司 (AIRmaker)。新生水廠代表展示了新生水的生產技術。最後一站為創業輔導公司,其代表介紹了公司創始目的及如何為新加坡創業作出之貢獻。代表團對兩家公司的介紹印象深刻。

Group Photo with NTU Representatives

The HIVE of NTU 新加坡南洋理工大學校園互動空間
A new campus space for students to interact, socialise and network with one another outside of formal classes


Sharing by SUTD

Group Photo with SUTD Representatives

Sharing by NEWater Plant 介紹新加坡新生水
Reclaimed water produced by Singapore’s Public Utilities Board

Visit at NEWater Plant

Group Photo at NEWater Plant

Sharing by Airmaker 介紹創業輔導公司
Airmaker aims at the startup for Digital Healthcare and Smart Cities
Airmaker 主要為醫療保健和智能城市範疇創業

Group Photo with Airmaker Representative
No. of participants: 16 參與人數:16人