
UM Awarded for Supporting Breastfeeding and Setting Up of Lactation Rooms

UM has always been a supporter of breastfeeding. In 2016, two lactation rooms were established, located in the Administration Building (N6) and Faculty of Business Administration (N22) respectively. Equipped with sofas, end tables, refrigerators, and privacy screens, both lactation rooms provide a comfortable, private environment for nursing female employees to express and store breast milk.

UM’s efforts in supporting breastfeeding by establishing standard lactation rooms in workplace was appreciated at the “Recognition Ceremony for the Promotion of Breastfeeding 2023”, which was organized by the Health Bureau (SSM) of the Macao SAR, Macau Breastfeeding Association and Macau Breastfeeding and Nurturing Promotion Association. This is the fifth time that UM received this award.



澳大一直支持母乳餵哺,並於2016年設置兩間哺集乳室,分別位於行政樓 (N6)及工商管理學院 (E22),裡面設有梳化、茶几、雪櫃及分隔屏,為母親們提供一個私人及舒適的哺集乳環境。
